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Wire EDM for Maximum Rigidity During High-Speed Cutting Operations

The AccuteX AP Series Ultra Performance Wire EDM, offered by Absolute Machine Tools, is comprised of a high-rigidity Meehanite cast honeycomb-type base designed using Finite Element Analysis to ensure high rigidity during even the most high-speed operations.

The machine's X-axis table and Y-axis column move independently, with the center of gravity lying between the two linear guideways of the X-axis table. This results in improved maximum loading weight up to 1,100 kg with a bi-directional repeatability of less than 2.5 µm after 5 times laser inspection. Also included is the precision workpiece-mounting table of hardened stainless steel designed as a standard clamping system for setting a range of workpieces quickly and accurately. The worktable can also accommodate any additional commercial clamping systems. This, combined with 20 mm C1 Class U-V ball screws, provides the high precision and maximum flushing pressures necessary for high-speed cutting. Additionally, the oversized U-V axis mechanism is placed in the cabinet above the working area for best operation.

The AP Series machines are equipped with an annealing, fully automatic wire threading system with scrap wire disposal unit with patent-pending intelligent servo-control wire threading technology. "Coupled with multidetectors, it is an incredibly fast and reliable automatic wire threading system when threading at wire break point," said a company spokesperson.

The AP-6040A+ wire EDM features the high-speed AccuteX Linear Shaft Motor as standard for faster servo response as compared to a conventional ball screw with no backlash or lost motion, noted the spokesperson. Its small footprint contains the AccuteX Linear Shaft Motor combined with HIWIN linear guideways and 0.000004" Fagor glass scales. The Windows based 64-bit CPU is capable of interfacing with most CAD/CAM software systems.

"The AP Series wire EDM brings intelligent integration to the shop floor with its ability to collaborate with robots and other machines and interface with powerful CAD/CAM software programs," said Nicole Conrad, Chief Marketing Officer, Absolute Machine Tools.

For more information contact:

Absolute Machine Tools, Inc.

7420 Industrial Parkway

Lorain, OH 44053

800-852-7825 / 440-960-6911

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