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New 15 kW Fiber Laser for Bystar Fiber 3015 and 4020

The ByStar Fiber with 15 kW offers increased speed and an extended cutting range.

Whether cutting aluminum, non-ferrous metals or steel, the high-performance Bystronic cutting head offers enhanced precision in both thin and thick sheets and profiles.

The BeamShaper helps ensure high cutting quality in carbon steel with varying material characteristics.

Matching automation solutions increase the machine utilization and process reliability.

With the new laser output of 15 kW, the ByStar Fiber from Bystronic cuts steel, aluminum and stainless steel with a thickness from 20 gauge up to 1.5" and brass and copper up to .750" with high precision. This power and increased range of materials enables sheet metal processing companies to further expand their production capabilities.

"On average, due to the new 15 kW laser, the cutting speed of the ByStar Fiber increases by up to 50% (when cutting with nitrogen) compared to a 10 kW laser source," said a company spokesperson. "This means that sheet metal processing companies can benefit from higher productivity with relatively low unit costs." The 15 kW laser output now also enables extended applications in stainless steel and aluminum up to 1.5" thick for improved flexibility for customer orders. Whether cutting aluminum, non-ferrous metals or steel, the high-performance Bystronic SSC cutting head is engineered to provide precision in both thin and thick sheets and profiles. The variable telescoping cutting head automatically adjusts the focal length and spot size, and the focal position is set automatically for each material.

"The BeamShaper function ensures smooth cutting edges and high operational reliability across the entire range of carbon steel materials with fluctuating material characteristics to thicknesses up to 1.125 inch," said the spokesperson. This function can be selected as an option when purchasing a new 15 kW ByStar Fiber or added later as an upgrade. With the BeamShaper, the beam profile is adapted for cutting thicker materials providing for smooth cutting edges and increased speeds in carbon steels from .750" to 1.125".

The new 15 kW power level is available for the ByStar 3015 and the ByStar 4020. Bystronic's new high-performance flagship utilizes the ByVision Cutting control interface via a 21.5" touchscreen. According to the company, operating the machine is as simple as using a smartphone.

In order to provide material flow optimal to the high speeds of laser cutting, Bystronic has a selection of automation solutions available for the ByStar Fiber. The offering includes loading and unloading systems, sorting solutions and individually configurable storage systems. Based upon the existing manufacturing environment and available space, a seamlessly integrated automated laser cutting process is adapted.

For more information contact:

Bystronic Inc.

2200 West Central Road

Hoffman Estates, IL 60192

847-214-0300 / 800-247-3332

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