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Rand Worldwide Promotes Bill Zavadil to President

Rand Worldwide, Inc., the parent company of IMAGINiT Technologies, Rand SIM, ASCENT and Rand 3D, has announced that its chief operating officer, Bill Zavadil, has been promoted to the role of President. Larry Rychlak will remain as the company's Chief Executive Officer and will work with Zavadil on growth and operating strategies.

"Bill has over thirty years' experience leading successful teams and organizations in the design engineering industry and is the natural choice to lead Rand Worldwide for the coming years," said Rychlak. "This is a well-earned recognition and the logical next step for Bill. I am very pleased to continue working with him and our strong management team in consistently delivering outstanding results for our customers, our employees and our shareholders." 

"I look forward to taking on the additional responsibilities of the new role and thank the Board of Directors and Larry for the confidence that they have shown in me through this promotion," said Zavadil. "Rand Worldwide is extremely well positioned to grow and thrive in the ever-changing marketplace, and I am very excited to help lead the company to even greater heights."

For more information contact:

Rand Worldwide, Inc.


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