"Toyoda's TIPROS software features dynamic scheduling that takes the fear out of fully automated manufacturing," said a company spokesperson.

Toyoda's linear FMS uses rail-guided vehicles to transfer pallets between loading stations, buffer stations and machines. Each system utilizes one rail-guided vehicle that can access up to three levels of pallet storage.
Toyoda's single- or multi-level flexible pallet automation system is powered by Toyoda Integration Production System (TIPROS) cell controller. "The TIPROS cell controller goes beyond the basic functions of a typical cell controller, making the Toyoda FMS system more user-friendly and powerful," said a company spokesperson. TIPROS has DNC capabilities, tool management, production monitoring, production scheduling, performance diagnostics and maintenance support capabilities.
"Toyoda's easy-to-use TIPROS software uses a Windows-based operating system," said the spokesperson. "Its full-color graphics and familiar Windows icons enable an operator to quickly become proficient with the cell controller." Operator support for set-up, maintenance and troubleshooting are built into the controller.
The TIPROS cell controller offers reporting options from daily production reports to long-term capacity utilization. Detailed production data, operation logs and alarm logs are stored in a Microsoft Access database, making it easy for the user to generate custom reports or to upload information to a corporate database.
Tooling requirements are managed by the cell controller. "Toyoda's advanced suite of tool management functions provides invaluable data for long runs of complex parts," said the spokesperson. Tool pocket number translation permits a CNC program to be written without knowing the location of each tool. Additional functions include tool presetter integration, RFID tags, automatic loading of tool offsets and tool life uploading and downloading.
"When a tool breaks in a traditional lights-out production, the cell system would simply shut down and leave hours of work unfinished," said the spokesperson. "With Toyoda's TIPROS software, a broken tool is never a problem. It has an intuitive system that identifies the broken tool and searches for a replacement in the magazine. TIPROS analyzes job priority, lead time, machining time, availability of tools, fixture, machine and the cell's manned and unmanned status to determine the ideal production sequence to finish the job and eliminate downtime."
Toyoda's TIPROS FMS offers smart features designed to increase productivity. "Integrating this intuitive system keeps jobs organized, leads to significantly reduced downtime and allows for lights-out production. With the capacity to hold up to 300 pallets, Toyoda's FMS systems is customizable to effectively meet the needs of any shop," said the spokesperson.
For more information contact:
JTEKT Toyoda Americas Corporation
316 W. University Dr.
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
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