Cloud-Based Gearbox Durability SimApp
October 1, 2016
Comet Solutions, Inc. has announced a program in support of Gearbox design and manufacturing. The Comet Gearbox solution, consisting of a suite of solution-specific Gearbox SimApps, will provide automated processes integrating the spectrum of tools frequently used throughout Gearbox development: CAD, FEA, Multibody Dynamics, Gear/Bearing Simulation and CFD in order to predict and optimize performance in the areas of acoustics/vibration/dynamics, durability/reliability, efficiency and for management of cost and weight.
Developed in cooperation with ADET (Advanced Drivetrain Engineering and Technology) and utilizing SMT (Smart Manufacturing Technology) MASTA, Comet's Gearbox Durability SimApp provides gearbox OEM companies the means to perform basic durability evaluations of various gearbox system designs. By loading a specific duty-cycle into the Gearbox Durability SimApp, they will be able to efficiently run an automated durability analysis of the entire gearbox system, including the effects of housing, shaft and bearing deflections. "Often, during early design stages, gearbox OEMs do not always have specific details regarding how customers will use their products in the field," said a company spokesperson. "The non-engineering staff has the ability to demonstrate durability performance to prospective customers by entering custom duty cycles representative of actual field usage, independent of their internal engineering staff." This SimApp allows quick turn-around time regarding product capabilities, empowering the gearbox OEM in the market, while also providing feedback to the engineering team for refinement of future designs.
For more information contact:
Comet Solutions
9380 Montgomery Road, Suite 206
Cincinnati, OH 45242
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