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Professional O-Ring Tool Kit

Professional five-piece O-ring tool

"Installing O-rings in cramped installation spaces without damaging them or the removal of stuck O-rings from grooves without causing damage to the machine is often a tedious and above all difficult affair," said a C. Otto Gehrckens spokesperson. "Often, screwdrivers or simple plastic tools are used to perform the task. These tools are often the reason for the damage and are also difficult to use."

C. Otto Gehrckens offers a professional solution to this problem. Its five-piece O-ring tool set made of stainless steel makes the assembly and disassembly of O-rings easier, faster and more reliable. The stainless steel instruments consisting of a pointed tool, removal lever, push and pull tool, as well as a flat-headed removal tool are precisely machined and provide effective aid with almost all assembly and disassembly tasks.

For more information contact:

C. Otto Gehrckens GmbH & Co. KG

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