Software Tool to Speed Time-to-Deployment
October 1, 2016
Abaco Systems has announced AXIS DataView, an extension to the company's AXIS software development environment. DataView allows customers to develop graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for embedded applications deployed on Abaco Systems hardware. Suitable for displaying data and adding controls to signal and image processing applications as well as any system control or communications application, DataView can reduce the time, cost and risk of developing sophisticated software solutions and speeds time-to-deployment.
"By addressing the development costs associated with developing and porting GUIs to multiple platforms while also addressing performance overhead issues, DataView makes adding a GUI to a broad range of applications both practical and valuable," said a company spokesperson. "DataView is both quick and simple to learn; it is easily portable; and it has minimal impact on overall system throughput.
"In-house tests performed by Abaco show that, using DataView, a reduction of over 90% in the lines of code required to create a typical signal generator GUI or signal processing GUI is achievable when compared with alternative approaches. In addition to development time and cost savings, the DataView tool creates code that is easier to maintain and enhance."
Benefits of AXIS DataView include:
- No specialist programming GUI knowledge required
- Simple and easy to learn - allows creation of application GUI in days
- Easy to maintain - no complex event-driven GUI code to maintain
- Multi-OS support, including Windows and Linux hosts, and Windows, Linux and VxWorks embedded targets
- Multi-platform support includes Intel, NXT (PowerPC) and ARM hardware architectures.
For more information contact:
Abaco Systems Inc.
12090 Memorial Pkwy SW
Hunstville, AL 35803
866-OK-ABACO (652-2226)
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