Software Improvements to Lathe Control
January 1, 2016
HEIDENHAIN has released software and hardware for its contouring control for CNCs and cycle lathes, the MANUALplus 620. The MANUALplus 620 control is compact and versatile, and is characterized by its simple operation and programming.
For the end-user, the MANUALplus 620 offers complete support of the opposing spindle during automatic program generation. Also, the cut-off cycle G859 permits entering a default diameter at which a pick-up device is activated, and the rotational speed can also be limited. In the ICP editor, a calculator for fits and internal threads is now offered with the respective input fields for the parameterization of holes and threads.
"With this MANUALplus 620 lathe control, the machine builder will welcome HEDEINHAIN's new generation of main computers with more powerful processors and performance reserve for future expansions," said a company spokesperson. Due to the reduction in structural width to 22 nm, the new Intel Celeron processor with Ivy Bridge architecture provides increased computing power while consuming less electrical power. There are also sufficient performance reserves for future expansions of the MANUALplus 620.
A PROFIBUS interface card can be plugged externally via PCI express slot. It features a USB 3.0 interface and an 8 GB CFR with CFast (S-ATA interface) for faster data access. The new CFR MANUALplus 620 is based on the CFast standard (CFast = CompactFlash ATA Serial Transfer). Compared to the previous CFR memory cards, the faster S-ATA protocol is used for the new mass storage device. The new cards have significantly shorter access times, which is designed to be convenient, for example, during startup of the MANUALplus 620 and handling of large NC programs. OEM cycles and OEM subprogram dialogs can be shown with language-sensitive texts. Special working-space limits (area limit switches) can be defined for machines with inclined kinematics (e.g. oblique axis).
For more information contact:
HEIDENHAIN Corporation
333 E. State Parkway
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5337
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