Call for Papers Opens for the 2016 CMSC
January 1, 2016
The Coordinate Metrology Society (CMS) officially opened the Call for Papers for the 32nd annual Coordinate Metrology Society Conference (CMSC), July 25 - 29, 2016, to be held in Murfreesboro, TN. The organization is seeking original contributions from portable metrology experts that cover the successful use of 3-D coordinate measurement systems, case studies, technology benchmarks, scientific research and developments and more. Commercial content is not accepted.
The CMSC is a gathering where experienced metrologists present their projects and showcase their knowledge of industry best practices, measurement strategies and cutting-edge implementations. The CMS is the membership association for measurement professionals around the globe.
Abstract submissions for technical papers and presentations are due by March 11, 2016. Each abstract is peer-reviewed by the CMS Executive Committee, and if selected, the speaker will receive a Notification of Acceptance on April 8, 2016. Guidelines for presentations and technical papers can be downloaded at the CMS website.
Following the CMSC, the top technical papers are selected by the CMS Executive Committee for publication in the Journal of the CMSC. Technical papers and presentations are also published on the CMSC website for access by the membership. Conference registration and membership fees are waived for individual speakers presenting at the conference. In the case of multiple authors, the CMS will waive one conference registration and membership fee.
For more information contact:
For more information about presenting a technical paper at CMSC 2016, contact Scott Sandwith or Daniel Sawyer, Technical Presentations Coordinators at presentations@cmsc.org.
2537 Elk Hollow Lane
Weatherford, TX 76085
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