New High-Speed Servo Press Feed
October 1, 2014
ARKU Coil Systems, Inc. will showcase its new Hi-Speed ServoMaster press feed system at FABTECH. The company will also demonstrate parts leveling with a FlatMaster 55 machine using a new control and simple operator interface that allows users to obtain dead-flat parts by entering two material parameters.
The Hi-Speed ServoMaster is the latest addition to ARKU's line of servo press feed systems. "These roll feed systems are engineered for high availability and long life under continuous loads. They are designed to provide fast, smooth acceleration, high accuracy and easy synchronization with presses and other in-line equipment," said a company spokesperson. "The Hi-Speed ServoMaster handles strip cross sections up to 600 mm2. Depending on strip dimensions, the system accelerates at up to 50 m/sec2 to a maximum feed velocity of 200 m/min (656 fpm). Feed accuracy is better than +/- 0.1 mm (0.004 inch). The ServoMaster supports press rates up to 400 SPM with pilot release. Its ARVIS control automatically calculates the speed of upstream equipment after a few cycles, enabling the operator to rapidly synchronize all the modules in the line to protect the equipment. The control's plain text messages make it easy for operators to learn and set up the system, while a telephone connectivity allows fast factory diagnostics and troubleshooting."
ARKU will also demonstrate parts leveling with the new control on a FlatMaster 55 model. According to the company, the new control enables novice users to produce dead-flat, stress-free metal parts on the first try, nearly every time, by entering two values: the material type and thickness. A simple interface of touchscreen icons utilizes a database of material properties, part thicknesses, operating parameters and plausibility checks that allows new users to run the machine quickly with minimal training.
The new control's built-in Optimal Leveling Parameters can be fine tuned by the operator and saved as a part program for future use. The control can store up to 1,500 part programs.
The servo-hydraulic FlatMaster is designed for leveling and stress relieving metal parts from 0.020" to 2.25" (0.5 - 60 mm), and up to 118" (3,000 mm) wide. "It adjusts the leveling force instantly to compensate for parts with large cutouts and perforations, or shapes such as triangles and circles. It is also designed for appearance critical parts. The machine leaves no marring, slag, or discoloration from heat," said the spokesperson.
For more information contact:
ARKU Coil Systems, Inc.
11405 Grooms Road
Cincinnati, OH 45242
FABTECH 2014 Booth #B4747
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