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Striker Systems Introduces New Marketing Manager

Danielle Lindsey

Striker Systems has announced the appointment of Danielle Lindsey as Marketing Manager.

Lindsey will be working closely with the Striker Systems senior management to develop and manage all the marketing programs for multi-media channels, trade show events and building a platform to expand brand engagement and awareness. She will be supporting business objectives through Striker Systems product and promotional communication and media partnerships. She will also be providing customer relations support by partnering with the Striker Systems CAD/CAM and nesting software sales team to foster customer retention and lead acquisition.

Lindsey is a graduate of Eastern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science degree in family and consumer sciences with a concentration in merchandising. She also holds an associate degree in business administration.

Prior to joining Striker Systems, Lindsey worked in various customer driven industries where she influenced successful business growth by utilizing different omni-channel platforms. She elevated brand awareness through local community engagement as well as national industry connections. Danielle has over 20 years of customer relations experience and over 15 years of business administration where she utilized multi-platform marketing, human resources and brand elevation through business analysis and managerial leadership training.

For more information contact:

Striker Systems

Division of Computer Design, Inc.

P.O. Box 41

104 S.C.T. Drive

White House, TN 37188


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