Sapphire and Ruby Balls for Precision Mechanisms
April 1, 2022
Meller Optics, Inc. offers a full line of miniature high-precision sapphire and ruby balls for use in metering equipment and other precision mechanisms where low friction bearings, long-life and dimensional accuracy are important.
Meller Sapphire and Ruby Balls are single crystal materials with zero porosity, are chemically inert and resistant to abrasion, heat and high pressure. Featuring Mohs 9 hardness, which is second only to diamond, they come in 42" and metric sizes from 0.1 mm to 0.5" dia. with 0.000025" sphericity and ±0.0001" basic diameter tolerance.
Suited for orifice applications up to 50,000 PSI and numerous bearing applications, Meller Sapphire and Ruby Balls have a 2,000°C melting point, 0.2 coefficient-of-friction, a refraction index of 1.76 microns at 20°C and are non-magnetic. For optical applications, these balls can be drilled and precision ground into miniature plano-convex lenses.
Meller Sapphire and Ruby Balls are priced according to material, size and quantity, and delivered from stock. Samples are available upon request.
For more information contact:
Meller Optics, Inc.
120 Corliss St.
P.O. Box 6001
Providence, RI 02940
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