"An innovative beveling technology from MicroStep, known as Additional Beveling Process (ABP), is eliminating the need for costly robots by providing precise subsequent beveling with gantry-type CNC cutting machines," said a United Precision Services, Inc. spokesperson. "Offering advantages over traditional multistage beveling processes, ABP allows beveling to be completed on a single machine, generating measurable gains in quality, time and cost savings."
MicroStep cutting machines are available throughout North America from United Precision Services, Inc. The company's National Sales Manager, John Prevish, explained that due to its unified concept of bevel cutting equipment, MicroStep is redefining thick material subsequent bevel preparation.
"ABP is fast, reliable and applicable to a wide variety of material processing options such as plasma, laser, oxyfuel and waterjet," said Prevish. "The technology allows parts to be processed from completely different machines. For example, thick parts cut with oxyfuel can be subsequently beveled by plasma, or parts pre-cut with plasma can be cut with fiber laser. Moreover, the same scanner that is used for ABP can scan and automatically compensate irregularity of pipes, square tubes, beams or domes. The bottom line is, ABP reduces beveling to a single machine and eliminates the need for a costly investment in robotics."
For more information contact:
United Precision Services, Inc.
11180 Southland Road
Cincinnati, OH 45240