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Remanufactured Toolroom Lathes

Iverson & Company's Ternstrom division offers remanufactured Hardinge toolroom lathes.

"Many years ago we stopped rebuilding customers machines and instead began stocking and building for inventory," said Terry Iverson, President, Iverson & Company. "We end up saving months of idle time for customers by batching them together."

Iverson & Company offers certified used machines as well as upgrades for remanufactured machines. For the remanufactured Hardinge HLV-H, one upgrade offered is an Iverson Four barrel stop that gives positive length control for turns and bores. As long as the power feed is used, it can repeat within .0002" - .0003".

Another available upgrade for the HLV-H is servo threading. This allows the machine to perform metric threading as well as multi-start threads.

Iverson & Company rebuilds include:

  • New spindles and bearings with certification sheet provided
  • New wear strips on the Hardinge cross slide and new Teflon under carriage surface
  • New tailstock quills
  • New lead screws installed
  • All castings and sheet metal members stripped to bare surfaces, reprimed, sanded and painted.

The Iverson family has been associated with Hardinge products for 92 years.

For more information contact:

Iverson & Company

441 N. Third Avenue

Des Plaines, IL 60016

888-528-4376 / 847-299-2461

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