Haimer's new Microset tool presetting equipment streamlines tool setting processes, reducing set-up times by as much as 70%, thereby minimizing idle time and increasing machine utilization.

The UNO series offers high-tech features in an entry level tool presetter.
"Perhaps in no other industry is time and process repeatability of greater importance than in aerospace," said a Haimer spokesperson. "With process repeatability so crucial to maintaining tight machining tolerances, the tool set-up process to achieve required specifications can prove to be a lengthy and yet essential step before cutting begins.
The most expensive component of the manufacturing process is time. Tool set-up prior to any job being run represents a significant portion of this time, which is why tool presetters represent a cost savings for any shop, because they speed up the tool setting process.
"Haimer's new Microset tool presetting equipment streamlines tool setting processes, reducing set-up times by as much as 70%, thereby minimizing idle time and increasing machine utilization.
"Some key differentiators that set these machines apart from the rest are:
- Ease of use (turn it on and go)
- Uncomplicated software (no software engineering degree required)
- Stable base construction (cast iron, not aluminum)."
HAIMER offers a wide range of tool presetting equipment under the Microset banner designed to fit every application and budget.
UNO Series
"In addition to precision, speed and reliability, the UNO series includes unique high-tech features not usually seen in entry-level tool presetters," said the spokesperson.
Haimer's entry-level machine, the UNO Smart, features a small footprint, user-friendly operation and high precision. It is suitable for measurement during production. Repeatability is ±5 microns. The UNO Premium features direct data transfer and repeatability of ±2 microns. UNO Autofocus enhancements include a 22" touchscreen, edge finder and motorized fine adjustment of the C-axis for demanding measurements (2 microns for spindle runout). With a fully automated measurement operation, the UNO Automatic Drive is fully independent of the operator and can be used with minimal user expertise. "This guarantees maximum quality and time saving, even with complex tools on several planes," said the spokesperson.
VIO Series
"The VIO Series offers absolute reliability with high quality components," said the spokesperson. "Whether operated manually or with the optional semi-automatic (autofocus) feature, VIO basic is one of the most modern presetting devices in its class, with many features and a wide range of standard equipment." The VIO Linear provides fully automatic high-end tool presetting with customizable options. The modular concept makes it possible to preset tools up to 1,000 mm in length and diameter. The available tool shrink option is suitable for multi-spindle machines.
All of Haimer's automated presetters use its Microvision image processing software, which provides time savings during job set-up and preparation. It does so by measuring and setting tools quickly, precisely and independently. "Modern image processing ensures that the tools are quickly and accurately measured and provides high quality in production processes. Complex tools can be measured within the shortest period of time with the latest measuring techniques," said the spokesperson.
Microset tool presetting devices are compatible with machine tools from all manufacturers. Post-processed data is transferred to the relevant data exchange drive either via the network or via USB. Control systems from Siemens, Heidenhain, FANUC, MAPPS and many others can be connected by USB data storage, Ethernet LAN or RS232.
Microset tool presetting machines can be integrated with all popular RFID systems. Read/write heads can be positioned automatically or manually for any toolholder system.
High quality and precise adapters and spindles are important elements for precise tool presetting. Haimer offers solutions from a standard toolholder to customer-specific customized versions.
For more information contact:
134 E. Hill Street
Villa Park, IL 60181