Advanced Grinding System
June 1, 2017
Tratech Corp. offers its (AGS), a specialty built CNC grinding machine designed specifically for the demanding needs of machining fully sintered ceramics.
The AGS is a 3-axis CNC machine that includes integrated coolant filtration and temperature control as well as mist control. The system features a high accuracy 42,000 RPM coolant through spindle, a 500 x 500 x 500 mm working envelop and a stationary machine bed utilizing an XYZ gantry design that keeps the motion control components safely protected from abrasive ceramic particles. The bed and motion components are isolated from the machine frame to mitigate environmental impacts on the machining process.
The AGS also features several patent pending technologies, including an intelligent process force detection system that will automatically stop the machining process and lift the tool out of the workpiece when overload and tool failure conditions are detected, and a 16 tool automatic tool changer that features an on-the-fly tool tray system that keeps 256 tools in process storage. Tools and trays can easily be swapped and loaded without interrupting the machining process.
"The AGS has successfully demonstrated performance gains in various materials such as high purity quartz glass, sapphire, boron carbide, alumina oxide and zirconia nitride, and in various applications like precision 3-D shapes, heavy stock removal and delicate thin-wall features," said a company spokesperson.
For more information contact:
Tratech Corp.
3285 SW 11 Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
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