Portable Dust and Fume Collector
June 1, 2017
Business owners looking for CMAXX quality in a smaller package will now have a new option. "The SHADOW portable dust and fume collector has many of the best features of the full-sized CMAXX, including DeltaMAXX nanofiber filters and powerful pulse cleaning," said an Imperial Systems spokesperson.
"Customers have told us they need a portable dust and fume collector," said Jeremiah Wann, Owner and President of Imperial Systems, Inc. "There are a lot of businesses that do not need a full-sized CMAXX but still need a quality collector. We designed the SHADOW with input from our own in-house welders and metalworkers. We understand that welders need convenience and they need options."
The SHADOW features the same DeltaMAXX nanofiber filters that are used in the full-sized CMAXX. While the DeltaMAXX filter works with most types of dust or fumes, it is optimal for welding, with a MERV 15 rating and a 99.95% efficiency for particles as small as 0.3 microns. Like the CMAXX, the SHADOW pulse cleans its filter, keeping it at maximum efficiency. The collector will also have the option of adding a HEPA filter for even more efficient filtration.
Welders who need a flexible, efficient fume arm can choose a 6" diameter, 8" diameter or two 4" diameter arms. Fume arm length can also be customized. Fume arms are available in high-temperature materials if the application requires it. While the SHADOW is ideal for welding, it can also be customized for use in most other small dust and fume collection applications.
For more information contact:
Imperial Systems, Inc.
300 Imperial Dr.
Jackson Center, PA 16133
800-918-3013 / 724-662-2801
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