Arnold Latzke

Don Stiebohr

Tom Latourette

Randy Peacock
Lyndex-Nikken, Inc., a provider of Nikken rotary tables, toolholders, live tooling, angle heads and shrink fit systems, has hired Arnold Latzke and Don Stiebohr as Product Managers, Tom Latourette as Sales Manager and Randy Peacock as a CMfgT Senior Engineering Specialist. They will provide product support to Lyndex-Nikken's sales staff consisting of over 25 people. Both Latzke and Stiebohr will provide their expertise, help train new sales personnel joining the company as well as provide the team culture needed to reach corporate goals and objectives. Latourette will expand the sales skills and professionalism of Lyndex-Nikken's sales team, both inside and outside, while Peacock will provide service and support to the Lyndex-Nikken engineering department.
Latzke has over 30 years of professional experience in the machine tool industry, such as national sales manager and marketing director. He will be responsible for product support for the inside and outside sales staff, meeting and presenting to distribution, MTD and end users direct, introducing/reintroducing Lyndex-Nikken to distribution, supporting the team to find new innovative products Lyndex-Nikken can bring to the market as well as working to support Lyndex-Nikken growth in all regions.
Stiebohr also has almost 30 years of professional experience working in the machine tool industry, such as product design and development. He will be responsible for product support for the inside and outside sales staff, training new sales personnel joining Lyndex-Nikken, helping provide team culture to reach goals and objectives, support the efforts of distribution and provide technical assistance to end users.
Latourette has 32 years of sales, marketing and sales leadership experience, consisting of 24 years in the building products industry. He will be responsible for expanding the sales skills and professionalism of the Lyndex-Nikken inside and outside sales team, amplifying and heightening the Lyndex-Nikken customer value-driven metrics and measurements, utilizing hiring and training skills to bolster the sales force in key growth areas, increasing value of the Solution Selling program and lastly support the efforts of distribution.
Peacock's background in machining and part processing began at age 14. He has over 27 years of professional experience in the machine tool industry, serving as a service/applications engineer, applications engineering manager, product specialist and demonstration team leader to name a few. He has also served other organizations at high-level positions as a manufacturing/process engineer. He will be responsible for robotic automation and integration, 4 & 5-axis rotary table cable management systems, and extensive work and involvement with all of the Lyndex-Nikken Product Line.
For more information contact:
Lyndex-Nikken, Inc.
1468 Armour Blvd.
Mudelein, IL 60060
847-367-4800 / 847-367-4815