The my.Walter Customizable Portal
May 1, 2017

"my.Walter" filters information on all Walter platforms and enables it to be accessed on multiple devices.
The new my.Walter information portal can be customized to show only the information that is helpful to the specific user, allowing customers, buyers, dealers and others to quickly bypass information that is not relevant to their needs. New innovations, product ranges, order status and other categories can be grouped together using "cards," which can then be arranged on the user's my.Walter portal by relevance: high to low, most content to least content - even in the order of the user's choice. Users can also add new buttons and delete existing ones as needed.
In addition, "my.Walter" offers users extra cards they can add by drag and drop to tailor their personal configuration. "During development, Walter placed importance on making its new portal easy to use, so users can log in by simply entering my.Walter in the browser toolbar," said a Walter spokesperson. Portal content can be accessed on multiple devices. The my.Walter portal gives users an immediate and specific overview of precisely the information that is relevant to them - without having to search and gather. The goal is to give as much detailed and relevant information as possible to make informed decisions. To ensure that this information is always current, users can view notifications about updates (such as changes in order status) in a fashion like e-mails.
For more information contact:
Walter USA, LLC
N22 W23855 Ridgeview Pkwy West
Waukesha, WI 53188
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