DoALL S-280CNC 9" x 11" Capacity

DoALL DS-400CNC 14" x 16" Capacity

DoALL 400-S 9" x 16" Capacity
DoALL will feature three metalcutting band saws at EASTEC. "These high-performance saws provide versatile, efficient, economical and accurate sawing solutions for a large variety of sawing needs," said a company spokesperson. DoALL will have two new machines available for demonstrations in Building 2 - Booth C2004.
New - S-280CNC General Purpose Swivel StructurALL Series Band Saw
The DoALL S-280CNC StructurALL miter, CNC automatic, metalcutting band saw is ideal for fabricating shops, maintenance facilities, tool and manufacturing plants. The S-280CNC can also be classified as a horizontal structural, scissor-style miter-cutting saw. Hydraulically controlled, this CNC machine provides automatic indexing for multiple material feeds. With the easy-to-use controller, operators need only remove the material that has been cut. Designed for vertical and angular cuts, the S-280CNC is adjustable to 60° to the right in semi-automatic mode only.
New - DS-400CNC General Purpose Dual Swivel StructurALL Series Band Saw
The DoALL DS-400CNC StructurALL dual-miter, CNC automatic, metalcutting band saw is ideal for fabricating shops, maintenance facilities, tool and manufacturing plants. The DS-400CNC can also be classified as a horizontal structural, scissor-style miter-cutting saw. Hydraulically controlled, this CNC machine provides automatic indexing for multiple material feeds. With the easy-to-use controller, operators need only remove the material that has been cut. Designed for vertical and angular cuts, the DS-400CNC is adjustable to 45° left and right in semi-automatic mode.
DoALL 400-S StructurALL Band Saw
The DoALL 400-S general purpose band saw is part of the StructurALL family of horizontal metalcutting scissor saws. Swiveling 45°, it is the ideal machine for the small to medium fabricator or machine shop, looking to make extremely accurate (straight or miter) cuts in smaller quantities. The 400S features a 9" (229 mm) high x 16" (406mm) wide capacity of rectangles and 10-3/4" (273 mm) capacity of rounds. This 400-S manual machine can be equipped with a variety of options to further ease operation, such as pneumatic head-lift and pneumatic vise attachments.
For more information contact:
DoALL Sawing Products
5505 West 123rd Street
Savage, MN 55378
EASTEC Booth 2004