Enhanced 3-D Measurement Software
February 1, 2016
Verisurf Software, Inc. has announced the release of Verisurf X9, software for 3-D measurement. The release includes the addition of Verisurf SOLIDS, a complete 3-D solid modeling application, as well as productivity enhancements to each of the modules that comprise the Verisurf solution - CAD, MEASURE, ANALYSIS and REVERSE. Three components, which were previously cost add-ons, are now included in the Verisurf CAD module: creation and editing of solid models, raster-to-vector conversion of images and photos, true shape nesting of 3-D geometry for use in composite materials, 3-D printing and other applications.
Speed Menu options for point cloud and mesh objects are designed to reduce the time necessary to scan, align and inspect part data. In the improved point cloud display with shading, the fine details of live scans appear in real-time, as the data is collected. Analysis functionality has been optimized for increased speed and accuracy when using large scan data with the capability to process and display one million points per second in real-time. These enhanced capabilities have enabled productivity features, including a "Do It" icon to run the macro for quick alignment, registration, analysis and reporting.
The Verisurf Software functionality and added features are designed to make stationery coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), portable CMMs and 3-D scanners more productive for automated inspection, guided assembly and reverse engineering. "Built on a powerful CAD platform, Verisurf Software provides a variety of manufacturing measurement solutions to meet the needs of the quality lab and in-process applications on the shop floor," said a company spokesperson.
Verisurf CAD highlights:
- Solid Modeling - creation and editing of solid models
- Raster to Vector Conversion - automatically convert raster files to fully scalable vector files
- True Shape Nesting - can be used to optimize the placement of many 3-D parts on a CMM for automated inspection
- Gap Flush Dimension - inspect gap and/or flush of scanned points to the CAD model
- Integrated Verisurf Validate - can validate two files or validate a part file as the check file against the source part
- Merge Files Tool - allows multiple CAD files to be brought into Verisurf all at once.
- Verisurf MEASURE highlights:
- Faster Real Time Scan & Display of Point Clouds - capable of processing and displaying up to one million points per second
- Point Cloud Display Enhancement enhances live scans; as data is collected, point normal are calculated in real-time
- Auto Hole Axis improvements - can create MBD tolerances from selected reference holes
- Create MBD/GD&T annotations on Verisurf meshes and clouds.
- Verisurf ANALYSIS highlights:
- "Dot It" Macro - Fast Align, Analysis and Reporting; significantly improves point cloud based inspection and reporting
- Analysis Module optimized for speed and accuracy of large scan data using clouds and meshes; enhanced graphics
- Improved 3-D PDF including better text, MBD/GD&T, default viewing, MBD/GD&T report option - AS9102, QFI output.
- Report Consolidation - combine multiple reports into one.
- Verisurf REVERSE
- Expanded File Support for Importing/Exporting Cloud or Mesh Files allows Verisurf Reverse to accept data from virtually any scan/capture source or other software and export to all CAD, modeling or rendering applications
- Point Cloud and Mesh Object Tools `Right Click' Menu access tools for Reverse, Measure and Analysis modules. Provides ability to register multiple clouds or meshes to each other, align scan data to similar shaped CAD part, best fit alignment of scan data to CAD part and more
- Mesh Smoothing - for reverse engineering of surfaces.
For more information contact:
Verisurf Software, Inc.
4907 E. Landon Dr.
Anaheim, CA 92807
888-713-7201 / 714-970-1683
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