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Horizontal Bandsaw Increases Throughput

Behringer Saws, Inc., a manufacturer of bandsaw, circular and plate sawing solutions, has announced it recently shipped an HBE 321A dynamic horizontal bandsaw to Spanco Inc., located in Morgantown, PA.

Spanco, a manufacturer of overhead workstation cranes, took delivery recently of the HBE, which the company uses to saw tube sections for fabricating cranes.

"The Behringer HBE saw has already increased throughput in our work center by roughly 20% due to faster cycle times and reduced time required for maintenance. It has also substantially improved the accuracy of our cuts," said Chris Moke, Production Manager at Spanco.

The HBE dynamic horizontal bandsaw is a compact automatic saw, featuring an array of features designed to improve performance and precision while maximizing user convenience and safety. Built for a wide range of application environments from production cutting steel service centers to metalworking job shops, the HBE saw has a dual column cast iron frame and a servo driven precision downfeed control that automatically adjusts blade pressure, creating a balance of feedrate and pressure for improved quality and cutting rates, while extending blade life.

An electrically powered ball screw-driven material feed gripper is designed to eliminate backlash and ensure precise material positioning for improved accuracy. The optional automatic feed control (AFC) feature automatically adjusts cutting parameters such as blade speed and downfeed rate to the material grade and shape, allowing operators to create flexible material programs, leveraging cutting data based on the specific material grade.

For more information contact:

Behringer Saws Inc.

721 Hemlock Road

Morgantown, PA 19543


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