Grinding for Ballnose Endmills
July 1, 2014

Ground on the Rollomatic Nano6 tool grinding machine.
Rollomatic's ultra-small 6-axis tool grinders now offer new minimal size capabilities for ballnose endmills.
The Nano6 nano-size cutting tool grinder is now capable of grinding 25 micron ballnose endmills (dia. 0.001") with features from precision ballnose endmills, such as positive rake, helically-shaped ball gash with heel pass and correct relief angles, as well as a ballnose contour accuracy in the 1 micron range.
This machine is equipped with hydrostatic guide rails. The machine enclosure is separated from the machine bed to help eliminate external disturbances. The axis control operates on nano-interpolation and the new Rollomatic software package VGPro offers increased resolution and calculation accuracies for ultra-small micro tools.
For more information contact:
Rollomatic Inc.
1295 Armour Blvd.
Mundelein, IL 60060
866-713-6398 / 847-281-8550
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