Integrated, User-Friendly Loading of Machine Tools Using Robots
July 1, 2014
Production operations on the way to becoming fully automated require robots at machine tools for simple and flexible loading and unloading. This is because integrated production can only be achieved by closely intermeshing machine tools and loading tasks. However, companies are also trying to keep the costs for training personnel to operate the robots to a minimum.
A simple and flexible solution is required where a robot handles part loading and unloading, and the robot itself is operated from the same user interface as when operating the machine tool. Based upon SINUMERIK Integrate Run MyRobot, Siemens Machine Tool Systems allows robots to be seamlessly integrated into the production landscape. Operation and programming of the robot is realized from the SINUMERIK 840D sl using the familiar SINUMERIK Operate graphical user interface.
The Run MyRobot technology package facilitates high-speed workpiece and tool handling. Operation, retraction, teach-in and diagnostics can be achieved from the SINUMERIK 840D sl operator panel. "As a result, the robot can be flexibly added to handle part loading and unloading. Just like every other unit at the machine, it can be operated from the SINUMERIK Operate graphical user interface, which operators feel comfortable with. This makes production automation extremely simple," said a company spokesperson.
Robot loading and unloading has advantages, such as the small space required and flexible handling. The system is scalable - from the automation of individual production islands up to a completely networked system. As a result, the automation of the part flow at the individual stations, and the complete production planning and control, the tool and resource management and also the maintenance can be optimized for efficiency.
For more information contact:
Siemens Industry, Inc.
390 Kent Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
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