3D Printer Brings Ideas to Life
March 1, 2014
The Mojo 3D printer from Stratasys is designed to bring affordable, professional 3D printing to the design process. Powered by Stratasys Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), it produces models in ABSplus production-grade thermoplastic.
The Mojo is designed to easily work with CAD software. The printer's Mojo Print Wizard software prepares the CAD files for 3D printing, automatically generates soluble support geometries and pinpoints common user tasks to improve workflow. Print Wizard provides:
- A 3D view of the model or models to be printed
- Intuitive, flexible scaling
- 3D orientation previews and easy adjustment
- Real-time auto packing to get the most of the build
- Sparse fill option to conserve material; solid fill for the strongest models
- Thumbnails of STL files.
The Mojo Control Panel software provides real-time status for the 3D printer. The graphical display shows:
- Print jobs
- Estimated print time
- Model and support material levels
- System readiness.
Soluble support allows the Mojo to print intricate parts with overhangs, and even moving assemblies, in one job. The WaveWash 55 is a compact, easy-to-use support removal system. It lets users quickly remove support material without tedious cleaning, by simply dissolving it away in a water-based solution. Just remove the 3D printed part from the modeling base and drop it in. The WaveWash 55 maintains the right temperature and agitation to efficiently reveal the part. The system requires no plumbing.
According to Stratasys, set-up and use of the Mojo is fast and easy. The QuickPack Print Engines allow easy change of printing material. A Mojo 3D Print Pack is available and includes everything needed to begin printing, including:
- Mojo 3D printer
- Print Wizard and Control Panel software
- Start-up supplies
- WaveWash 55 Support Cleaning System.
"The Mojo is the perfect introduction to professional 3D printing," said Mick Gillitzer, PMI Engineering. "It will print the geometry you design, rather than altering designs in order to print, like some of the hobbyist machines. The affordability and practicality of the Mojo allows engineers to catch errors and make revisions to designs before hard tooling dollars are spent and time is committed to tool construction. The Mojo utilizes the FDM process and real ABS plastic, which produce durable and accurate components that are often used for fixtures as well as prototypes."
For more information contact:
Stratasys, Inc.
7665 Commerce Way
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Mick Gillitzer
PMI Engineering
P.O. Box 1536
Grapevine, TX 76099
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