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Metalcutting Technology e-Learning Program

Sandvik Coromant's interactive Metal Cutting Technology (MCT) e-Learning program is now available. This comprehensive online program was developed by the Sandvik Coromant Academy. The 75-course curriculum offers information and expertise about the metalcutting process. Useful for engineers, programmers, operators and students, it provides insight and knowledge to improve productivity and profitability.

This training and education program explains the fundamentals of metalcutting and specifically teaches about internal and external turning, parting and grooving, milling, drilling, threading, boring and tool holding. "Understanding the metalcutting process plays an increasingly important role in manufacturing to boost productivity and cut costs," said a company spokesperson. "This program provides vital information on how to plan the best metalcutting process for a component, choose the right cutting tool for the job and understand the basics of production economics. It also teaches how to recognize different types of tool wear and their remedies, as well as how to optimize cutting data and cutting tool life."

"The knowledge in the new MCT e-Learning program is only part of what Sandvik Coromant does to help our customers," said Jamie Price, President of Sandvik Coromant U.S. "This program will help people who want the most up-to-date information get the most value and productivity from their tools. They can learn at their own pace and as they want to learn it. We are using the latest training techniques to help people understand the best ways to use their cutting tools."

Designed to allow users to work at their own pace on their own schedule, the MCT e-Learning program can be accessed at through the Sandvik Coromant Academy portal. This program combines multiple learning formats including video, animation and question and narration to provide in-depth instruction and guidance on the "what, how and why" of metalcutting. Users can test their knowledge and receive a Certificate of Completion.

For more information contact:

Sandvik Coromant Company

1702 Nevins Road

P.O. Box 428

Fair Lawn, NJ 07410-0428

800-SANDVIK / 201-794-5000

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