(l-r) Terry Iverson, Iverson & Company; Ron Hornick, MATC; Dale Howser, MATC; Chip Manning, Clausing Regional Manager

(l-r) Alex Escamilla, Fagor Automation Regional Sales Manager; Chip Manning, Clausing Regional Manager

Fagor 8055 MC CNC control

MATC shop floor directly after Iverson & Company delivered eight Clausing machines equipped with Fagor 8055 MC controls.
Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) serves high school students and also provides continued education and skills development for those already in the workforce, including retraining for new career opportunities.
When MATC required new educational CNC tools, they chose eight Clausing machine tools with the Fagor 8055 CNC control. According to Clausing distributor Terry Iverson, Iverson & Company, Clausing machines are well built, high quality machines engineered to last for years.
"Having the right CNC for this application was important," said Chip Manning, Regional Manager for Clausing. "We chose the Fagor 8055 CNC based upon the flexibility of the CNC to work in multiple modes of operation. Switching from manual to full CNC mode is as simple as pressing a button. Similarly, the change between ICON based graphical interface and ISO G-code operation is a simple two button command. This is critical for MATC when we consider the different levels of training required. Both manual and different levels of CNC operation can be taught on the same machine. In addition, the CNC has two CNC programming modes. An ICON key based conversational system is a faster and simpler method to introduce a student to CNC. The traditional ISO G-code programming system expands the students' knowledge base for traditional part programming. These two modes can be toggled from one to the other quickly and easily at any time.
"Another feature that made the Fagor 8055 CNC the right choice was the remote diagnostics. A simple Ethernet connection allows the customer to receive instant service via the net. The Fagor WinDNC program is installed in the adjoining classroom for uploading and downloading of part programs using standard Ethernet protocol. Fagor WinDNC also provides remote monitoring and a CNC G-code editor. Students quickly upload and download any assignments directly to the Fagor 8055 for simulation and execution or via the USB port located directly on the keyboard. Simulation mode is complete with traditional tool path graphics and solid graphics with zoom and part rotation capabilities. The simple profile editor acts as a mini CAD/CAM system. Students can quickly create complex profiles or import DXF files and insert them directly into the part program."
"Education is important to me, so it was only natural that our relationship with MATC has continued to develop over the last 30 years," said Iverson. "MATC is one of the leading technical colleges in the country. They were one of the first with a CNC program and have continued the tradition of utilizing cutting edge technology. They have shown the foresight to continue to re-invent themselves as necessary to arm themselves with the best tools to train their students."
Terry Iverson founded the organization Champion Now (www.championnow.org). Iverson frequently makes presentations to high school students at MATC to encourage them to consider manufacturing as a career. Champion Now is dedicated to rebuilding the manufacturing workforce through knowledge-based methods focusing on a manufacturing technical foundation for young people.
For more information contact:
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Clausing Industrial, Inc.
1819 N. Pitcher Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-1822
Terry Iverson, President
Iverson & Company
441 North Third Ave.
Des Plaines, IL 60016
Todd Drane
Fagor Automation
800-423-2467 ext. 303
Joel Kasnik
Fagor Southeast operations
800-423-2467 ext. 302
Wayne Nelson
Fagor East Coast operations
800-423-2467 ext. 301
Art Gugulski (CNC)
800-423-2467 ext. 431
Alex Escamilla (DRO)
800-423-2467 ext. 436
Fagor US Headquarters
Jeffrey Lei
Fagor Automation
800-423-2467 ext. 106