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Robotic Welding Project-Based Lessons Book

Lincoln Electric has published the first edition of Robotic Welding Project-Based Lessons for use with Lincoln Electric robotic welding training systems, such as the Robotic Welding Education Cell 2.0.

These lessons provide an interactive approach to learning by emulating the real-world use of robotics in production welding. The material enhances students' overall learning experience, providing exercises designed to develop students' problem-solving and decision-making skills. This book can work into existing welding robotics training programs as a supplemental material.

This versatile teaching tool is suitable for varying educational needs. For an educator or instructor, project-based lessons allow the instructor to use lesson plans that are developed with today's systems in mind. For students, the coursework empowers them to follow the project, develop complex learning skills, work collaboratively and learn hands-on with a real welding robot. Lessons are applicable for a wide variety of student audiences, ranging from high school students to advanced welding students, to robotic programming classes and more. The overarching goal of the program is to improve training in welding robotics and programming and shorten the learning curve for students when they hit their first job site.

The book's 13 lessons present students with a manufacturing process and task them to improve it. These lessons identify objectives, outline material used, provide step-by-step instructions and also offer discussion questions aimed to challenge students throughout the learning experience. As the students work through the book, they will be exposed to various joint types and welding processes. Upon completion, they will gain the knowledge needed to create a faster, more advanced manufacturing process in any given situation.

For more information contact:

Lincoln Electric Automation

22801 St. Clair Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44117-1199


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