In-Sump Magnetic Separators
August 1, 2013

In-sump magnet shown after one day in the machine sump at a gun manufacturing facility.

In-sump magnet after being cleaned.
Newly designed magnetic rod assemblies from Keller Products, Inc. are intended to reduce the solids load on coolant pumps or in-line filters for metalworking operations machining steel or cast iron. The in-sump magnets may be used with water-base coolants or cutting oil.
"The new in-sump magnets consist of a powerful rare earth magnetic rod attached to a flat circular magnet base, permitting the rod to be mounted either horizontally or vertically in the sump," said a company spokesperson. "The magnetic separator may be easily removed for cleaning and quickly reinstalled in the sump. By mounting the magnetic separators close to the inlet of the coolant pump, the solids load on the coolant pump can be greatly reduced."
The new in-sump magnetic separators complement the existing Keller line of flow-through in-line magnetic separators.
For more information contact:
Jonathan Strauss, Sales Manager
Keller Products, Inc.
5 Ledgerock Way, Unit #6
Acton, MA 01720
800-352-8422 / 978-264-1911
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