Jerry Rex
Jerry Rex has been named Director of Corporate Development for the American Precision Museum (APM).
His role is to help increase funding, especially through corporation sponsorships and donations. These funds will cover operating costs, as well as expand programs, including STEM kits, student outreach, new exhibits and more.
"The mission of the APM is to honor and preserve the history of these innovators of our industry, while inspiring young people of all ages through stories, exhibits, an innovation center-which features new technology-and pique interest in the many opportunities and careers that exist in manufacturing," said Rex.
Rex started his career as a machinist apprentice at GE, where he gained first-hand experience in all aspects of machining, fabrication, welding and assembly. After graduation, he held roles as an advanced manufacturing engineer and production foreman before becoming a technical marketing specialist with Carboloy (now Seco). From there, he became a sales engineer with Carboloy and later regional sales manager.
Rex started in the machine tool side of the business in 1992 with Gosiger in Dayton, OH, where he advanced to vice president. The next 20 years were spent with various organizations, mostly as president or president and CEO, including 12 years as a president at Morris. He served on the board of AMTDA and then AMT, culminating those years as chairman of AMT in the 2015-16 term.
"I am excited to be a part of raising awareness of the variety of opportunities that exist in manufacturing, as well as the number of openings and financial potential in many of the roles," said Rex.
For more information contact:
Jerry Rex
Director of Corporate Development
American Precision Museum
196 Main Street
P.O. Box 679
Windsor, VT 05089
802-674-5781 / 704-618-5992