Improved E-Commerce Website
December 1, 2014
eMachineTool.com has updated its website, focusing on improving customer experience. "We have maintained all of our best features and added some new capabilities as well," said Nick Bard, President. "Users can now search and compare both new and pre-owned machines at the same time to allow for easier and faster comparisons. We have maintained our discounts and continue to offer online freight rate calculations and multiple payment options such as online leasing, credit cards and e-checks."
The website features drop down menus for easier navigation of the hundreds of offered metalcutting, metal fabrication and machine tool accessories. "In fact, we have added more brands and more types of machine tools based on customers' requests," said Bard. "Our metalforming section has been expanded the most. Products are fully described with plenty of photos and videos to educate our users and assist in their purchasing decisions."
For more information contact:
Nick Bard
262 Eastgate Dr., #304
Aiken, SC 29803
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