Self Cleaning Fluid Purification Module
December 1, 2014

Valicor TOP 1020 Purification Module
Valicor's TOP 1020 removes solid contaminants, insoluble contaminants and tramp oil from water based coolants. The TOP 1020 also removes water and solid contaminants, like hydraulic fluid and honing oil, from straight oils.
The removal of contaminants from metalworking fluids improves fluid performance and longevity. For straight oils this means removing free water and solid contaminants. "For coolants, efficient removal of fines, tramp oils and bacteria has a positive impact such as longer life, reduced chemical purchases and disposal costs, reduced biocide usage, better finish and size control on machined parts and better tool life," said Ken Kiesling, Regional Sales Manager.
The TOP series modules produce a high peripheral centrifugal force (13,500 G forces) to remove fine particles (.01 to 50 microns) and separation of two immiscible liquids such as tramp oil and water based metalworking fluids. The TOP 1020 can process up to 20 gallons of fluid per minute while other modules can process from 2 to 40 gallons of fluid per minute. Each module is customized to address specific fluid issues. The TOP 1020 features a NEMA 12 control panel with touch screen PLC control and includes an integral sludge and tramp oil tank with waste pump.
"The Self Cleaning Purification Modules are available for purchase or rental/service agreement. The rental/service agreement reduces capital expenditures and long term commitments while eliminating service obligations. Valicor separation technology experts will maintain and service the module, including all parts and labor," said Ken Kiesling.
For more information contact:
Dave Semersky
Director of Fluid Purification
Valicor Separation Technologies
7400 Newman Blvd.
Dexter, MI 48130
Ken Kiesling
Regional Sales Manager
Valicor Separation Technologies
Cell: 682-465-6782
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