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July 2013

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IRB 140 Industrial Robot
9-Axis Twin Spindle Multi-Tasking Center with B-Axis
Simplified Robotic Parts Feeding Technology
Servo Technology Designed for Energy Savings
Compact IO Terminal for Servo Motor Control
Destacker Tooling Design Feeds Aluminum and Steel Blanks
Automated Processes
Bar Loading Magazine Features Upgraded Designs
InLineSystem for Automated Machining
Swift Arc Robotic Welding Systems
Integrated Motion Control
High-Speed Robotic Applications
Flexible Manufacturing System for Heavy Pallet Loads
All-In-One Placement Platform
Robot Ready Interface Simplifies Automation
Applications Approach to Automation
Dual-Pallet VMCs
Universal Turning Machine Introduced
Auto-Teaching Machine Vision System
Reliable Bin Picking
Automatic Magazine Bar Feeders Enables Fast Changeovers
Twin-Spindle Twin Turret Machine for Enhanced Productivity
Multitasking Machine for Increased Efficiency on Angular Features
Servo Drives Designed to Boost Machine Throughput
Material Handling Robots in Welding Cell
High Load Capacity Actuator
Okuma Renames Flexible Manufacturing System Unveils Online Calculator
SwissQuick Tooling Boosts Swiss Machine Uptime
Automated Plasma Cutting Robot
Expanded Adaptive Grippers Line
Electric Small Parts Gripper
Full Flexibility in Turning Centers
Toshiba Machine Adds THL SCARA Robots with Increased Payload Capacity
Robots Feature Force Control
Rotary Table for Larger Scale Applications
Standardized Welding Systems
Multiple Language Support for Motoman Robots
Robotic End Effectors
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SwissQuick Tooling Boosts Swiss Machine Uptime

"REGO-FIX's SwissQuick ER-to-ER adapters allow users to preset tooling offline and replace worn tools in seconds, thereby reducing downtime and increasing productivity on Swiss-style machines. These adapters are ideal for automation and lights-out operations because there is no need to touch off the tools after a routine change," said a company spokesperson.

Space-saving SwissQuick adapters are short "miniature" toolholders that feature a larger solid ER body on the back end that remains in the machine and a smaller ER series cavity in front - essentially two holders in one. Such a design allows for the shortest, most rigid ER-to-ER reduction available.

"Through its solid ER body style, the SwissQuick adapter improves machining accuracy with a taper to collet cavity TIR of less than 0.0001". The body also allows the adapter to be repeatable within 0.0004" on tool length," said the spokesperson.

"Made from high tensile strength case-hardened steel, SwissQuick adapters provide reduced wear for an increase in tool life," said the spokesperson. The solid ER body profiles on these adapters come in fine and coarse thread options and range from ER 11 to ER 32, with a variety of ER cavity outputs from ER 8 to ER 20. SwissQuick Adapters are also available utilizing the REGO-FIX powRgrip system.

For more information contact:

Bill Obras, VP, Sales

David McHenry, Product Engineer

REGO-FIX Tool Corp.

7752 Moller Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46268


800-REGO-FIX (800-734-6349)

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