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July 2013

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IRB 140 Industrial Robot
9-Axis Twin Spindle Multi-Tasking Center with B-Axis
Simplified Robotic Parts Feeding Technology
Servo Technology Designed for Energy Savings
Compact IO Terminal for Servo Motor Control
Destacker Tooling Design Feeds Aluminum and Steel Blanks
Automated Processes
Bar Loading Magazine Features Upgraded Designs
InLineSystem for Automated Machining
Swift Arc Robotic Welding Systems
Integrated Motion Control
High-Speed Robotic Applications
Flexible Manufacturing System for Heavy Pallet Loads
All-In-One Placement Platform
Robot Ready Interface Simplifies Automation
Applications Approach to Automation
Dual-Pallet VMCs
Universal Turning Machine Introduced
Auto-Teaching Machine Vision System
Reliable Bin Picking
Automatic Magazine Bar Feeders Enables Fast Changeovers
Twin-Spindle Twin Turret Machine for Enhanced Productivity
Multitasking Machine for Increased Efficiency on Angular Features
Servo Drives Designed to Boost Machine Throughput
Material Handling Robots in Welding Cell
High Load Capacity Actuator
Okuma Renames Flexible Manufacturing System Unveils Online Calculator
SwissQuick Tooling Boosts Swiss Machine Uptime
Automated Plasma Cutting Robot
Expanded Adaptive Grippers Line
Electric Small Parts Gripper
Full Flexibility in Turning Centers
Toshiba Machine Adds THL SCARA Robots with Increased Payload Capacity
Robots Feature Force Control
Rotary Table for Larger Scale Applications
Standardized Welding Systems
Multiple Language Support for Motoman Robots
Robotic End Effectors
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Automatic Magazine Bar Feeders Enables Fast Changeovers

Two additions to the LNS America Alpha line of bar feeders are designed to provide consistent bar support and smooth, reliable bar loading for enhanced precision machining performance, according to LNS.

Alpha 538 is designed for sliding headstock machines and loads bar stock diameters from .20" to 1.5" (5 mm to 38 mm). Alpha 552 is for fixed headstock machines and bar stock diameters from .20" to 1.85" and up to maximum 2.047" diameter with bar preparation (5 mm to 52 mm).

Both bar feeders use hydrodynamic or hydrostatic oil to support bar stock and reduce vibration transference. Exclusive LNS Quick-Change round guiding elements and pusher enable partial changeovers in less than three minutes and complete changeovers in less than eight minutes, according to the company.

For bar loading on sliding headstock machines, Alpha 538 includes a Swiss safety connection featuring a telescopic tube and T-Tube liners; the LNS patented 3-S direct electronic headstock synchronization system; and a long pusher extension (depending on the machine configuration).

According to LNS, other features standard on both bar feeders include: a high-capacity (11.8" wide) self-contained magazine tray for unattended and lights-out operation; centralized bar selection fingers adjustment; 2-position hydrostatic outboard stabilizer with Quick-Change bushing system; automatic torque and speed adjustment; heavy-duty, self-centering remnant retraction system with torque power booster designed to provide reliable, consistent bar extraction and insertion; an 18.5" Z-axis retraction system for easier spindle liner changeovers and routine machine maintenance.

For more information contact:

LNS America

4621 East Tech Drive

Cincinnati OH 45245


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