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July 2013

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IRB 140 Industrial Robot
9-Axis Twin Spindle Multi-Tasking Center with B-Axis
Simplified Robotic Parts Feeding Technology
Servo Technology Designed for Energy Savings
Compact IO Terminal for Servo Motor Control
Destacker Tooling Design Feeds Aluminum and Steel Blanks
Automated Processes
Bar Loading Magazine Features Upgraded Designs
InLineSystem for Automated Machining
Swift Arc Robotic Welding Systems
Integrated Motion Control
High-Speed Robotic Applications
Flexible Manufacturing System for Heavy Pallet Loads
All-In-One Placement Platform
Robot Ready Interface Simplifies Automation
Applications Approach to Automation
Dual-Pallet VMCs
Universal Turning Machine Introduced
Auto-Teaching Machine Vision System
Reliable Bin Picking
Automatic Magazine Bar Feeders Enables Fast Changeovers
Twin-Spindle Twin Turret Machine for Enhanced Productivity
Multitasking Machine for Increased Efficiency on Angular Features
Servo Drives Designed to Boost Machine Throughput
Material Handling Robots in Welding Cell
High Load Capacity Actuator
Okuma Renames Flexible Manufacturing System Unveils Online Calculator
SwissQuick Tooling Boosts Swiss Machine Uptime
Automated Plasma Cutting Robot
Expanded Adaptive Grippers Line
Electric Small Parts Gripper
Full Flexibility in Turning Centers
Toshiba Machine Adds THL SCARA Robots with Increased Payload Capacity
Robots Feature Force Control
Rotary Table for Larger Scale Applications
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Multiple Language Support for Motoman Robots
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Destacker Tooling Design Feeds Aluminum and Steel Blanks

Bilsing Automation has developed flexible destacking technology that can separate and feed both steel and aluminum blanks in various sizes and configurations. The solution was designed and engineered by Bilsing for flexibility where the end effector can handle multiple parts. It is comprised of the company's 2.5" diameter aluminum round body tooling and other Bilsing components.

"Whereas traditional steel blank destacking systems rely on magnetic holders for separating the blanks before lifting and transfer, aluminum has no magnetic qualities," said a company spokesperson. "Typical aluminum destacker systems employ peel cylinders to lift the corners of the blank with air knives that shoot air in that space to break the vacuum. Another issue is that lubrication on the blanks acts like a glue agent, causing the blanks to stick together.

"To overcome these issues, Bilsing compiled field data for strategic placement of the peel cylinders in its design. During a cycle, the automation lowers so that the peeler suction cups are all level, with the front cups being spring-loaded and programmed to fire just slightly prior to the other cups. The air knives then fire to help peel back the top sheet - breaking the vacuum, which assists in separating the blanks."

Bilsing originally developed this solution for a customer that wanted to bring components of varying materials running on three different lines to a single pressline.

For more information contact:

Bilsing Automation - North America

22287 Starks Drive

Clinton Township, MI 48036


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