MultiFieldbus Interface Module for SIMATIC ET 200SP
December 1, 2022

Interface module IM 155 connects the ET 200SP station to the bus system of an automation landscape. Choose from five PROFINET interface modules from basic to high-speed functionality to a high-feature interface module.
Siemens offers an interface module for ethernet-based fieldbuses.
Designed to support PROFINET, EtherNet/IP and Modbus protocols, the MultiFieldbus Interface Module IM155-6MF High Feature can be used on a wide range of ethernet controllers and is suited for the following applications:
- Applications that, due to end user preference, occasionally use other ethernet-based systems in addition to PROFINET
- Applications with a high, flexible demand for functions, as well as a large station expansion of up to 64 modules (max. 1,024 IO signals). In addition, the station can be expanded by as many as 16 IP67 modules of the SIMATIC ET 200AL series using BA-Send/BU-Send.
- Applications that-until now-exclusively relied on Modbus TCP or ethernet/IP controllers, for example, for energy data acquisition via Modbus TCP and AI Energy Meter modules
Configuration for ethernet/IP or Modbus TCP is managed by the MultiFieldbus Configuration Tool (MFCT).
For more information contact:
Siemens Industry, Inc.
390 Kent Avenue
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
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