"The integrated Hurco control powered by WinMax is the most flexible and intuitive control in the industry," said a company spokesperson.
"The integrated Hurco CNC control with its intuitive conversational programming powered by WinMax is the easiest to learn, and has the most robust technical specifications-standard, not an upcharge-of any CNC control in the industry," said a company spokesperson.
In addition to the 10,000 block lookahead that Hurco's patented UltiMotion feature provides, some of the control's other technical specifications that are standard include 128 GB solid-state hard drives, 4 GB of RAM, 2.7 GHz dual-core processors and 15" LCD touchscreen control console monitors.
"As the inventor of conversational programming, Hurco is dedicated to continuous innovation to add functionality that helps customers increase productivity and profitability, and to maintain Hurco's status as the easiest control to program, which helps customers navigate labor shortages and the skills gap," said the spokesperson.
In addition to conversational programming, the Hurco control has robust NC capabilities, which means shops can use their existing programs and do not have to change their current processes. The flexibility of the Hurco control is further enhanced by NC/Conversational Merge, a feature Hurco developed that allows users to apply conversational features, such as pattern operations, scaling, tool probing, part probing and unlimited work offsets to NC programs.
Whether the machinist decides to use conversational, NC or NC/Conversational Merge programming, there are multiple control features that are independent of the type of programming. A few of the features deemed customer favorites include Advanced Verification Graphics with 3D Solid Rendering, 3D Import, Data Block Search and the True Interrupt Cycle. Features and benefits include:
- The Advanced Verification Graphics feature lets the user view a solid rendering of the toolpath that displays dynamic rotation, tool cut simulation and dynamic view manipulation. This feature reduces scrap, programming time and proves out the part program.
- 3D Import includes Solid Model Import and 3D DXF. Solid Model Import allows the user to program at the CNC control directly from an STP file. The efficiency provided by the Solid Model Import feature is further enhanced with 5-sided programming because it automatically creates the necessary Transform Plane blocks. 3D DXF provides the ability to gather Z-depth information from the DXF file and the ability to program from splines.
- The Hurco control also simplifies the tedious task of searching for a data block or line of code during the editing process with its Data Block Search feature. Users can easily touch the selection they need to edit on the graphics screen, and the cursor will jump to the corresponding program selection.
- The True Interrupt Cycle eliminates the need to teach the control the path the tool takes when it retracts and returns to the part. When the Interrupt button on the control is pressed, the spindle stops cutting, the coolant shuts off and the tool automatically retracts to Z home. The operator can jog the machine in any direction to check the part or change tool inserts. Then, simply press two buttons and the cycle automatically resumes right where it left off-at the speed you choose.
The newest control feature developed by Hurco makes automation for high-mix manufacturing practical because it runs right on the Hurco control, eliminating the need for machinists to learn how to program robots. It has automatic calibration to the CNC machine, making it easy to move the system between Hurco machines, and it has a probe part/workholding location feature that reduces part changeover to less than 5 minutes for new jobs and just seconds for previous jobs.
The Automation Job Manager is only available on Hurco CNC machines and is part of the Hurco Practical Job Shop Automation package that includes the control software and all the equipment needed for CNC tending automation including collaborative robots, parts trays/cart, dual-servo grippers, collaborative auto door and more.
To make sure every customer gets the full benefit of Hurco control technology, all 65+ models of Hurco CNC machines utilize the same control. Additionally, the Hurco control is upgradeable, which allows customers to stay up to date with the latest control technologies.
For more information contact:
Hurco Companies, Inc.
One Technology Way
P.O. Box 68180
Indianapolis, IN 46268