Roger A. Jones
Solar Atmospheres' CEO, Roger A. Jones, was awarded the distinguished honor of ASM Fellow (FASM) at the ASM Awards Dinner held in October in Columbus, OH.
According to ASM, "The honor of Fellow represents recognition of distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and develops a broadly based forum for technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to the Society." Jones' citation reads: "For advancing production vacuum thermal processes and procedures for large and heavy assemblies utilizing state of the art vacuum furnaces, for the enhancement of the overall heat-treating industry."
Jones commented, "I am extremely honored to receive this most prestigious ASM award. This highest award in the field of materials science signifies the culmination of my 45-year vacuum heat treating career. I would like to thank ASM, my colleagues who recommended me and my family for all of their support over the years. I am so proud to be inducted into the ASM 2018 Class of Fellows."
Jones is a 35-year member of ASM International and a current member of the ASM International Board of Trustees and ASM International Finance and Investment Committee. At the ASM International level, he chaired and served on numerous committees. Jones chaired the Membership Committee from 1996-1997. He chaired the Heat Treating Society (HTS) Immediate Needs Committee, as well as the HTS Education Committee; he was a founding member of HTS in August 1994. Jones served on the Nominating Committee for two separate terms, 1997 and 2001. He is also a member of the HTS T&P Committee and was a co-chair for the technical program for the Heat Treating Conference and Exposition in Cincinnati, OH, 2011. In 2005, Jones was appointed to the HTS Board and served as vice president from 2011 to 2013 and then president of HTS from 2013 to 2015. He served as the Immediate Past President of HTS from 2015 till 2017.
Jones has been a member of ASM Philadelphia "Liberty Bell" Chapter since 1983 and has chaired nine committees within that time. He became his company's sustaining member representative in 1986. He was Philadelphia Chapter Chairman for the 1993-1994 chapter years. Also, he was an instructor for the chapter sponsored MEI courses and he continues to support the local chapter in numerous ways.
Jones has received the ASM International 2015 George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Achievement Award, and the following ASM Philadelphia Chapter Awards: Young Member Award (1989), Delaware Valley Materials Person of the Year (1998), William Hunt Eisenman Award (2001), Distinguished Service Award (2004), President's Award (2009), Meritorious Service (2012) and the Adolf Schaefer Special Achievement Award (2015).
For more information contact:
Solar Atmospheres Inc.
1969 Clearview Rd.
Souderton, PA 18964
800-347-3236 / 215-721-1502