The German MMM Association Visits HEIDENHAIN
January 1, 2019

Gisbert Ledvon at HEIDENHAIN
Approximately 40 members from Germany's Federal Association of Model and Mould Making (MMM) recently visited HEIDENHAIN Corporation in Schaumburg, IL, as part of a North American manufacturing industry tour. These German business leaders learned firsthand about the support available to them as they consider doing business in North America and began establishing partnerships for the future.
At HEIDENHAIN Corporation these visitors toured HEIDENHAIN's new in-house U.S. machining lab that included a 5-axis Hermle C12 and a 5-axis Kern Micro Pro machine tools, an older DMU machine and several knee mills, all with accompanying HEIDENHAIN components. The tour also included a show of the HEIDENHAIN manufacturing area where ACU-RITE DROs and MillPWRG2 controls are produced and assembled.
Highlights of the tour included a market and support overview by HEIDENHAIN's TNC Business Development Manager Gisbert Ledvon detailing the support structure and an overview of manufacturing in North America with a focus in mold & die, medical, automotive and aerospace industries. A product overview by TNC Product Specialist Julian Renz covered HEIDENHAIN's latest TNC control functions and features, as well as discussion of machining errors segmentation.
Visitors learned of the increased CNC controls support for the North American market with the explanation of the many classes available in Schaumburg in basic and advanced programming, operator training service and PLC training. It also included a description of the establishment of a HEIDENHAIN North American application group with a dedicated email and phone number, in addition to the service hotlines for technical support and machine downs.
For more information contact:
HEIDENHAIN Corporation
333 E. State Parkway
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5337
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