The new owner of Monarch Lathes LP in Sidney, OH, Matt Albrecht (right) looks over a remanufactured Monarch lathe with Harry Camp, company President. The lathe, which the company restored to its original specifications for the U.S. Navy, is headed for one of the fleet's aircraft carrier maintenance department.

"The Monarch EE Precision Toolroom Lathe continues as the world standard of fine, repeatable precision," said a spokesperson.
Monarch Lathes LP is celebrating its 25th year in business in 2022. The Monarch Machine Tool Company closed its doors in the late 1990s after nearly 90 years in business, and Monarch Lathes LP was formed in 1997 when a group of investors in Cleveland purchased a portion of the assets for the primary objective of selling parts to owners of machines that Monarch built.
In 1998, Harry Camp joined the company. Camp had been a service technician for the company's predecessor for nearly 20 years, and he realized that there were many quality Monarch machines being used around the world that would need more than an occasional part to maintain their performance. So, after he was made President in 1999, under his direction, the company began remanufacturing Monarch's precision tool room lathes to their original specifications.
Today, in 47,000 sq. ft. of office and manufacturing space in the north end of the original Monarch building on Oak Street, Sidney, OH, Monarch Lathes LP is remanufacturing EE tool room lathes as well as building new EEs and the larger 614 machines for customers like Boeing, the US Navy, Batelle and Collins Aerospace and is currently sitting on a multimillion-dollar backlog.
For a number of years, Matt Albrecht, a Minnesota native now living in Austin, TX, was a user of Monarch's famed EE precision toolmaker's lathe. In time, he became a customer of Monarch Lathes LP, and as his interest in the company grew, so did his family's thoughts of someday owning the company.
"We were so impressed with the accuracy and precision of the Monarch EE. The sustainability of the machine's performance is a solid testimonial to its quality, and that is why, in June of this year, our family purchased the assets of the company," Albrecht said. "We are proudly continuing the American legacy of manufacturing the highest quality manual machine tools in the world right here in Sidney, OH."
Camp has stayed on as President and in an effort to grow the company, is looking to hire a number of people who can be a part of the team. "We would welcome both experienced and inexperienced individuals who are eager to learn and help us assemble the machines we are remanufacturing. We feel our wages and benefits are most competitive, and because of our size, each and every employee can feel that they are a part of our successes," Camp said.
"The company is not slowing down, with more orders coming in every week," Albrecht added, speaking on behalf of the family, "so by expanding our employee base, we can assure our customers that we can, and will, meet their needs and their schedules."
Monarch Lathes LP is continuing the legacy of The Monarch Machine Tool Company. Although that juggernaut machine tool builder of a day gone by has shut its doors, the quality machines it built are still recognized as the pinnacle of precision. "It is our intention to continue this legacy and invite those who would like to join us on the journey to call for an interview," Albrecht concluded.
For more information contact:
For more information on employment with Monarch Lathes LP, contact Harry Camp at 937-492-4111, or email a resume to president@monarchlathe.com.
Authored by Monarch Lathes
For more information contact:
Monarch Lathes
615 North Oak Ave.
P.O. Box 4609
Sidney, OH 45365