New Flexible Tablet Interface for Monitoring System
October 1, 2018
FactoryWiz has introduced the new Flexible Tablet Interface (FTI) for the FactoryWiz Monitoring Systems. The FTI offers system owners without programming knowledge the use of customized widgets for data entry and display.
FactoryWiz continues to expand with new features that solve common challenges. One important feature often requested is a custom Machine Operator Tablet with standardized company look-and-feel. The new Flexible Tablet Interface allows customers to customize the Tablet Interface for their specific application. While all collected data is valuable, meaningful display data is subjective and different for almost everyone.
The primary function of the Operator Tablet is for bidirectional exchange of information such as On Pace/Off Pace production status, light maintenance reminders, interaction with Quality Dept and, most importantly, as a tool for operators to input downtime "why" reasons that are defined by management and displayed as large buttons for operators to easily access. Reasons for machines not in production can include critical information including No-Material, 1st Article Inspection, Program Change, Down for Maintenance, Etc.
FactoryWiz Monitoring is a web-based CNC machine tool and non-CNC asset monitoring and data collection system. FactoryWiz Monitoring provides a complete on-premise intranet solution that includes software to drive all large screen dashboards and automatically email historical reports with real-time status of manufacturing assets and process. Use live display dashboards to drive behavior and see quantifiable improvement in productivity. Back-feed ERP system with actual metrics based on computerized, non-judgmental data.
For more information contact:
6920 Santa Teresa Blvd., Ste. 201
San Jose, CA 95119
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