A Mazak INTEGREX e-1550V/10 multitasking 5-axis machining center cuts a 6' diameter ring gear.
"At Gear Expo 2017, Mazak will demonstrate recent advancements in manufacturing systems and processes that make the business of producing high-quality gears an easier, faster and highly profitable endeavor for job shops across all industry segments," said a company spokesperson. Gear Expo will take place October 24 - 26 in Columbus, OH, at the greater Columbus Convention Center, where visitors will discover how Mazak's multitasking machines, when equipped with the latest MAZATROL Smooth CNC and Mazak SMOOTH Gear Cutting Solutions, can serve as adaptive machining solutions for precision gears of all shapes and sizes.
More than 90 model configurations of Mazak multi-tasking machines can be paired with the right software and CAD/CAM system to perform a wide variety of operations that include hobbing, forming, surfacing and skiving in a single set-up. Shops with occasional gear work, for example, can use a Mazak multitasking machine to turn a part's I.D. and O.D., process its mating features, then power skive its gear tooth pattern. Such capability on one machine improves overall accuracy because every part feature runs true to the gear teeth. Plus, when the machine is not busy with gear work, it can be used to process a broad range of complex, non-gear components.
"Mazak will highlight its new closed-loop gear machining strategy, developed in conjunction with software developer Dontyne Systems, which simplifies the measurement and validation of the accuracy of virtually any gear tooth profile," said a Mazak spokesperson. "Through this ground-breaking process, shops with full, 5-axis multitasking capabilities can productively and profitably produce tight-tolerance gears in small and medium volumes. The process also makes it possible to generate more complex and specialty forms for better overall gear performance."
"Attendees of Gear Expo will also experience how Mazak's MAZATROL SmoothX CNC operates four times faster than the company's previous-generation controls. Gear makers, especially, will benefit from faster rotary axis speeds, which allow the machine tool to perform gear hobbing and skiving operations," said the spokesperson.
For more information contact:
Tasha Riddell
Mazak Corporation
P.O. Box 970
Florence, KY 41022-0970
Gear Expo Booth 123