TruePath 2018 Release
October 1, 2017
CAMplete TruePath is a fully integrated, easy-to-use suite of tools designed to take the user from the CAM system to the 5-axis machine quickly and safely. With its integrated and fully customizable post-processor, CAMplete TruePath allows the user to output NC programs in any way. "Five-axis simulation, visualization and verification tools give the user the confidence of knowing how a machine will behave before running a single line of G-code," said a company spokesperson.
TruePath 2018 includes a redesigned user interface and new features that make navigating common tasks easier, actions quicker to perform and the software itself more intuitive to learn.
Other improvements include:
- New NC Format engine: The NC Format (posting) engine has been redesigned for improved customization with nested macro inserts. Customized post variables can be used with proper text descriptions and help text.
- Improved kinematic options: These provide control over the C-axis posting for 3-axis paths. Automatically select the tilt direction to minimize or maximize the XYZ locations of a 3+2 axis path.
- Windows file system integration: CAMplete TruePath CS4 files will show a preview of their contents inside both TruePath and in Windows file explorer.
- Improved Program Editor: The Program Editor works vertically to maximize the use of screen space. The reporting of command lines that contain errors is improved. The current simulation location is shown in the editor for easier navigation.
- Error analysis navigator: Quickly examine each program and see its simulation status. Immediately navigate to any error locations in the program.
- Geometry management view: Part, fixture and stock geometry are now handled through the Pallet View so that the 3-D view remains interactive during geometry manipulation.
For more information contact:
Jeff Fritsch
CAMplete Solutions Inc.
120 Otonabee Dr.
Kitchener, Ontario, N2C 1LC
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