NIMS Launches Resume Generator
October 1, 2017
The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) has released a new online tool to help students and job seekers build quality professional resumes that will help them market their technical skill sets directly to employers. The Resume Generator will also help employers better screen for and hire NIMS credential holders for in-demand jobs.
"NIMS credential holders are some of the most talented and qualified individuals in advanced manufacturing," said Montez King, Interim Executive Director, NIMS. "We wanted to create an easy way for employers to understand the value they bring to the job and translate their credentials directly into the skills companies are looking for."
The tool was designed and created in partnership with the National Network of Business and Industry Associations (the National Network), a cross-sector collaboration of organizations focused on closing the skills gap and better connecting learning and work. NIMS worked with fellow Network-member, the American Health Information Management Association Foundation, to design digital resume generator models that could accommodate any industry-recognized credential and could be used in any economic sector. With the support of the National Network, the technology and design process is ready for replication by credentialing bodies and associations in other sectors.
The NIMS Resume Generator includes a step-by-step guide that walks users through creating a robust professional portfolio built around the specific knowledge, skills and abilities they have acquired through their NIMS credentials. The tool also includes customizable features for displaying educational and job experience, common employability skills and veteran and/or military status. The tool also represents a new model for the modern resume, prioritizing validated employability and technical skills over more traditional resume elements like educational institutions and years of experience.
NIMS credential holders can start building their resume at resume.nims-skills.org.
For more information contact:
10565 Fairfax Blvd., Suite 10
Fairfax, VA 22030
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