U.S. Patent Issued for Water Contamination Measurement Method
October 1, 2017
Spectro Scientific has been awarded a U.S. patent for a company-developed method to measure water contamination in turbine and other industrial oils. The patent is "Method of measuring water contamination in turbine and other industrial oils," patent no. US9500638.
The measurement method, in which a small sample of industrial oil is homogenized and analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, is employed using Spectro's FluidScan portable oil analyzer. The latest version of FluidScan software can detect total water presence as low as 300 PPM in turbine oils. "The method provides an alternative to laboratory tests such as Karl Fischer titration when fast, simple and reagent-free analysis is needed," said a company spokesperson.
In addition to measuring water contamination, the FluidScan analyzer provides immediate, reagentless measurement of acid number (AN), base number (BN), oxidation, glycol and other parameters. Its flip-top oil cell enables chemical-free analysis and cleanup using only one drop of oil. "The analyzer's on-site analysis capability, speed and convenience eliminate the wait associated with outsourcing laboratory analyses," said the spokesperson.
For more information contact:
Spectro Scientific
One Executive Drive
Suite 101
Chelmsford, MA 01824
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