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Large Selection of Ethernet Cables for Moving Applications

igus now offers a range of 30 Ethernet cables to suit any moving application.

To suit the increasing demand for dynamic data transmission in production processes, the continuous-flex cable company, igus, has increased its line of Ethernet cables to a total of 30 across a range of seven price points. Now, chainflex Ethernet cable is available for a wide range of applications.

In static installations, standard, inexpensive Ethernet cables can be used. However, the service life of these cables is severely limited when utilized in moving applications. "All cables under the chainflex name are specially designed to stand up to bending, flexing or twisting applications in a range of environments," said a company spokesperson. With special internal stranding to bend or twist for millions of cycles, along with high quality shielding, insulation and jacketing, chainflex cables are continuously being tested in the igus laboratory in real-world application conditions, including 1 meter standard torsion tests and 6-axis robot cells.

For more information contact:

igus, Inc.

P.O. Box 14349

East Providence, RI 02914


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