Expansive Sheet Metal Design, Productive CAM
April 1, 2017
ZW3D, supplier of advanced CAD/CAM solutions, has announced the availability of ZW3D 2017 Beta, bringing new features and enhancements to improve efficiency and minimize overhead during the process of designing and manufacturing.
One advancement in ZW3D 2017 Beta is the expansive sheet metal module, delivering engineers and designers a better user experience. For instance, the newly-added hem flange allows expanded flange creation with all necessary pre-defined hem types provided; the new jog helps users create two bends at one time to better suit design technology; the enhanced full flange and partial flange enables users to intuitively control dimensions with a drag of the mouse; and new editing tools are included to avoid reprogramming trouble.
The CAM module in ZW3D 2017 Beta offers new functionalities to improve the efficiency and reliability of CNC machining. A flat finishing operation has been added to automatically detect all planes and generate the toolpath accordingly with just one click, shrinking the programming time up to 50%. The milling and turning strategies can be simulated in the same environment, helping users intuitively analyze each manufacturing status to safeguard the machining process.
More flexible control options are provided in configuration form to compress Z3 files, so saving big models in ZW3D 2017 can be quickly performed. In particular, the file size of various formats, such as NX, Step and z3, can be reduced by 30% compared with previous versions.
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