Starrag designed the NB series (an NB 251 is pictured) for efficient simultaneous 5-axis cutting of blisks and IBRs.

The new NB 251 is a machine tool designed for complete machining of blade integrated disks (blisks) and integrally bladed rotors (IBRs). "It can handle all the relevant production steps, from efficient roughing from solid material and adaptive machining of friction welded blisks to highly dynamic finishing of flow surfaces with point contact," said a company spokesperson. "The NB series has been developed and optimized with a specific process in mind: highly efficient simultaneous 5-axis cutting of blisks and IBRs.
"One example of the series is the NB 251 with inclined B-axis, which is used to pivot the tool to practically the tool center point. The company design results in optimum machining accuracy, high cutting performance and excellent dynamics (low moving masses). A comparison with a standard trunnion machine (where the workpiece is positioned on a rocker) highlighted the machine's strengths. Trunnion machines slow themselves down because of the long compensating movements of the linear axis when the rocker pivots. These compensating movements are necessary for the tool to remain at the same operating point."
"On the NB series, the tip of the tool is very close to the center of rotation," said Michael Koller, Starrag Product Manager. "This means that the axis compensating movements are five times shorter. However, because the NB machines can also move and accelerate much more quickly, they are far more dynamic."
According to the company, the productivity of the machine can be increased further if the operator uses an NB 252. The final "2" represents a machine tool with two spindles. It is two machines on a single machine tool base, with spindles that can simultaneously machine two different workpieces redundantly and independently of one another.
"This gives the machine operator a huge boost in productivity with only slightly higher machine costs," said the spokesperson. "The key is to develop and optimize a new machine with a focus on process, performance, dynamics and accuracy."
For more information contact:
Starrag USA Inc.
North American Headquarters
Skyport Business Park
2379 Progress Drive
Hebron, KY 41048