American Welding Society Offers Welding Curriculum
December 1, 2020
AWS has developed a comprehensive welding curriculum for high schools, technical colleges and career training institutions.
The AWS Fundamentals of Welding curriculum covers health and safety, welding symbols and joint design, arc welding (SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW), thermal cutting (OFC, PAC, CAC-A) and welding inspection. It aligns with the governing standards of the SENSE program and was created and reviewed in tandem with subject matter experts (SMEs) and welding education professionals. "Whether a school is currently part of the SENSE program or is simply looking to improve their current welding program, this curriculum can help deliver quality instruction in an effective and structured manner," said a spokesperson.
"In just about every discussion we have had with welding educators and administrators, the lack of high-quality educational materials was cited as a serious concern," said Eduardo Guerra, Instructional Design Manager, Education and Training. "The AWS Fundamentals of Welding curriculum was developed to address that void, and we are proud to offer a product that supports welding education and aligns with the spirit of the AWS mission."
The curriculum package includes print materials, digital content and more, as well as access to the AWS Learning online platform.
For more information contact:
American Welding Society
8669 NW 36 Street, #130
Miami, FL 33166-6672
800-443-9353 / 305-443-9353
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