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A Control for Every Generation

Hurco's 3D Import feature includes 3D DXF technology that now displays all CAD geometry, including splines and Z-depths.

"Hurco's new video series, available at, shows viewers how the WinMax Control can help them reduce set-up time and make more chips," said a company spokesperson.

"For over 50 years, Hurco has been empowering machinists of every generation with cutting-edge control technology that is easy to learn and use," said a company spokesperson. "Hurco builds rigid and reliable CNC machines equipped with a control that makes shops more productive and profitable."

The integrated Hurco control powered by WinMax is a flexible and intuitive control that is equipped with a 2.7 GHz duel core processor, 4 GB RAM memory, a 128 GB solid state hard drive, 10,000 block look-ahead and an intuitive graphical user interface that supports multiple machining strategies.

Users can go from print to part fast with Hurco due to its flexibility that provides multiple programming methods: Conversational; Industry Standard NC; and NC/Conversational Merge. "Conversational programming simplifies complex operations with an easy to learn, intuitive, user-friendly interface," said the spokesperson. "The Hurco control also features Industry Standard NC (G-code), which means operators can use existing NC part programs. The control can also combine the best of Industry Standard NC and Conversational with its NC/Conversational Merge feature. NC/Conversational Merge makes it easy to apply conversational features-such as pattern operations, scaling, tool probing, part probing and unlimited work offsets-to existing NC programs. Patterns include loop rotate, loop translate, loop linear, loop angular, pattern locations, scale and mirror image."

Hurco's 3D Import feature lets users import solids directly into the CNC machine control and provides integrated simulation of CAD/CAM toolpaths. According to Mike Cope, Product Technical Specialist for Hurco, "The customer can simply load the file they receive from their customer directly into the control, which eliminates the need for extra steps."

Cope explained the evolution of the 3D Import, which illustrates Hurco's commitment to continuous innovation of conversational programming, which was invented by Hurco co-founder Gerald Roch in 1976: "When Hurco introduced the DXF Transfer option in 1992, it was a real game changer for the end user because many shops received DWG or DXF drawing files," he said. "This made it very easy to transfer the files to the machine and use them to create their programs on the shop floor-right at their Hurco CNC machine-and also eliminated incorrect data being entered, or `fat-fingering numbers' as we say in the shop. Today, it is common for shops to receive solid models of the parts that they need to produce, and even paper prints are becoming obsolete. Therefore, Hurco engineers developed 3D Import, which includes 3D DXF technology that displays all geometry that the CAD system outputs, including splines. With 3D DXF, the customer can select the bottom of a contour, and the Z-axis depths will also be automatically input into the conversational block."

All previous versions of DXF translators only displayed lines and arcs data, and were only useful in 2D-no Z-axis data was translated. 3D Import (the solid model portion) will automatically create the necessary Transform Plane data blocks in conversational programming for 5-sided programs.

"Another benefit of the Hurco control is the sophisticated motion control system Hurco invented that determines the optimal trajectory to run the tool, provides consistent programmed feedrates and reduces cycle time," said the spokesperson. "With this patented motion control system, called UltiMotion, cornering velocity is 2.5x faster than conventional motion and machine jerk is reduced by half. Because the software is smart enough to adapt as required by the toolpath, dynamic variable look-ahead can be up to 10,000 blocks. UltiMotion is different than the smoothing features offered by CAD/CAM software and improves upon CAM output by providing better handling of the machine mechanics and dynamics."

All Hurco CNC machining centers are equipped with UltiMotion as a standard feature, not an extra charge. Additionally, no set-up or programming is required.

To learn more and watch "" video series, visit

For more information contact:

Hurco Companies, Inc.

One Technology Way

P.O. Box 68180

Indianapolis, IN 46268


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